Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dean update!

                                                                        Dean and Daddy
                                                           Dean and his double chin!                    

Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated everyone on baby Dean. My life has consisted of visiting Dean in the hospital as much as possible, pumping and sleeping when I can. Honestly, making time for much else is more then I can handle. If it weren't for our family and friends making us dinners, Nick and I would have been surviving off of cafeteria food because we haven't been grocery shopping since before Dean's birth!
But back to Dean........  We are keeping our fingers crossed that he gets to come home on Friday. I don't want to get too excited and jinx it, so that's all I'm going to write about that. He is eating and pooping like crazy. Today his weight is 5lbs 7.6oz which means he has officially gained a whole pound since birth. We measured him yesterday and he is 1 inch longer, now 18 inches long. He no longer fits in his preemie outfits because his legs are so long. We have a feeling that we're going to have one tall boy on our hands. The only reason why Dean is still in the hospital is because of some bradycardia episodes he's had. This means he drops his heartrate really low for a few seconds which is very common for preemies to do. They usually outgrow these episodes when they hit 36 or 37 weeks. The last episode he had was last Thursday and he has to have 7 days of no new episodes. Once he's done that, he is good to go! I can't believe that Dean is 3 weeks old now. The time has been flying, yet moving soooo slow at the sametime. We are more then ready for our little man to come home. Nick and I just want to hold him and love on him without having time constraints. We are so thankful for how well he has been doing and that he's learned how to eat and thrive so well. Unfortunatley, we have seen our share of babies in the NICU that have been there longer then Dean and have no expected discharge date anytime soon. We've since realized how lucky we are and how close Dean could have been one of those babies.
Thank you to everyone for your support and well-wishes. Hopefully the next update will be about Dean coming home!!!!