Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The past few days.....

                                                  I was not allowed to move from this chair!

                                                              Dean is going to love this!


                                                               Cupcakes by Shannon

                                                                   Me and my loot!

First off let me just say that I love my husband, because as I'm writing this he is in the kitchen cooking up a delicious dinner for us. He has totally stepped up to the plate when it comes to being the domesticated wife.  He cooks, he cleans, he does it all. I'm so lucky! It hasn't been easy for me to step back and let him do all these things, but to keep this baby cooking for as long as possible I have no choice.
                                                     Nick in the kitchen doing his thing

So this past Saturday was interesting for us. I started having those pesky braxton-hicks contractions again  however this time they were actually uncomfortable.  After having a few in a row I started timing them and sure enough they were every 5 minutes. I was feeling them in my abdomen and my back. I did everything I was supposed to do: hydrate, relax, take a hot shower but nothing was making them go away or space out. After a few hours of dealing with these, I decided that it wasn't normal to be feeling this uncomfortable at 31 weeks and we went to the hospital to be checked out. They put me on the monitors and determined that I was having contractions every 5 minutes. After awhile, the nurse checked to see if I was dilated and she told me that I was almost 1 centimeter and that she didn't have to reach very far to get to my cervix. So for all of you non L&D nurses, at this point in the pregnancy my cervix should be closed and very hard to reach. The nurse also performed another test to determine if I would deliver within the next week and luckily that came back negative. After about 4 hours of being in the hospital they determined that I was ok to go home and they sent me with medication to take if the contractions started back up. Before this all happened, I was beginning to think that just maybe the bedrest order could be modified since my blood pressures had been doing so well........not so much. It seems like the only thing that keeps me from having contractions is no activity.
The next day was supposed to be my baby shower. Originally it was to take place in Fresno, but with everything going on we moved it to Sacramento instead. After everything that happened on Saturday I
decided a baby shower was not the best idea. I really didn't want to be the "debbie downer" at my own party. My mom and best friend Joy drove up from Fresno anyways to spend the day with me and my sister-in-law, Shannon,  still brought over the amazing cupcakes that she made for the shower. (By the way, if anyone is planning a party and want cupcakes......call Shannon!!!!) Two friends from work, Mardi and Noelle, stopped by and we just spent the afternoon eating and opening all of my shower gifts. It was great! Everyone went out of their way to make the afternoon special for me and I appreciate all that they did. Baby Dean made out like a bandit and he's going to be the best dressed little guy in Sacramento :)
Since Saturday, I've really made an effort to stick to this bedrest routine. Again, it's definetley not easy, but now I know that it is truly necessary for me to do this in order for him to stay in there as long as possible. Nick and I have since dubbed him "Dean the Dictator". He's not even born yet and he's already calling the shots!! Such a little stinker, but we love him so much already!!!!

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