Saturday, October 8, 2011

33 weeks and counting....

What a great day! The weather is so nice outside and I'm soaking up every last bit of sunshine and Vitamin D that I can before winter gets here. Since having lived in Hawaii for 3 glorious years, I've come to despise  the cold weather. The only good thing about this coming winter is that our little man will be here with us. These past 2 weeks have been pretty good to me. I'm still having contractions, but thanks to a magic little pill the doctor prescribed, the contractions ease up and I'm more comfortable.  My blood pressure has remained stable which I'm very thankful for. I guess this whole bedrest thing is actually working :)  Now that I'm further into the pregnancy, I have to go in to the hospital for twice a week monitoring. They just hook baby Dean up to the monitors and watch his hearbeat for about 30 minutes. I look forward to these appointments because they are approved activites by the doctor and an excuse to get out of the house for an hour!!! Don't tell on me, but sometimes I make a little extra trip to the coffee shop or get some lunch with girlfriends. The days I don't get out, I still keep myself busy with reading and working on Dean's baby blanket. I feel very lucky to have made some good friends since living here and their visits to see me have been much appreciated. Having my sister living with us has also been great because she keeps me company during the day and tells me to "sit down!" if I'm moving around too much, thanks Kels!
This weekend one of my best friends is having her bachelerotte party in Las Vegas! It bums me out that I can't be there to celebrate with her. But really, who wants to party with a big ole pregnant lady anyways. The bouncers at the clubs probably wouldn't even let me in! Do they even make maternity club wear?
Instead, I'm enjoying a relaxing weekend with my husband and sitting outside watching him work on the jeep. Tonight is a special treat because he's taking me out on a date to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. I can't believe it's already been a year! I definetley want to take advantage of these date nights while we can.
Baby Dean continues to grow and get stronger everyday. He moves all the time and has the hiccups at least 4 times a day which I'm sure gets really annoying. I can't believe that he's going to be here sometime in the next 4-7 weeks! We're so ready to meet you buddy :)

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