Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dean is 5 days old!

Grandma and Dean

Just a quick update on how well Dean is doing! He continues to shock everyone with the amount of progress he's making on a day to day basis. His weight initially dropped on his second day of life down to 4lbs 0.7oz, but his weight today is back up to 4lbs. 2.9oz. His bilirubin has also dropped enough to where he no longer has to be under the blue lights. Dean is still fed primarily through the tube that is inserted through his nose and directly into his stomach. He's too small and would burn too many calories if he was nursed at every feeding. At this point I breastfeed him with every other feeding and he is such a pro at it already. The nurses told me that it might take him a few weeks to get the hang of breastfeeding, but that hasn't been the case so far. We all have decided that he thinks he's a term baby and that he's trying to show off his many skills :) Nick and I couldn't be more proud of our little man and we're hoping that he continues to improve everyday. We know that preemies are touch and go on a daily basis and we're trying to remember that even though he's having a great day today, tomorrow might be different.
This past week has been such a whirlwind and there have been moments when I can't believe what we just went through. There are times when I think I'm still pregnant and then it hits me like a ton of bricks when I remember that I'm not. The doctor told me that it indeed was a placental abruption that happened and that's why my water broke and I lost so much blood. To know that Dean went through that and is doing so well right now makes me feel so thankful beyond what words can express. Our families and friends have been so unbelievably supportive and encouraging and are the reason we've been able to get through this experience. Thanks to the two Grandmas and Auntie Kelsey, Nick and I came home to a clean house stocked with food and goodies. For the next 2 weeks our focus will be on baby Dean and spending as much time at the hospital with him as possible.
It's almost time for his next feeding, but I will continue to keep everyone posted on baby Dean and his adventures!

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